Monday, September 11, 2006

fuh..dah lama aku brangan nak ader blog sendiri. I alwiz think of having my own everytime i think of smthing that i can share with others. it just time.. blom ader kesempatan and tak de usaha positif ke arah tu. pendek kata aku malas n susah nak istiqamah wat benda nih... student ke, org yg tak de keje bole la ari2 update. tapi arini aku br jer lapang sket .well... lapang dalam ertikata takde bender lain yg leh attract aku.

suke la cenggini. so aku bole komen sema bende yg sblm ni sema kata2 aku gone with the wind. kalo aku tulis kat sini at least it still online even takde org berminat nak baca.


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