Saturday, November 11, 2006

Kenangan kat U

  • Tadi aku tgk tv2. Legally Blonde. Teringat zaman kat U dulu. I’m not just remember how we did LOL watching that movie but it refresh my live as a student during the glorious years in my life. Smthg I never think I would become. Just a typical kampung guy (now u may know that I’m a guy) evolve to smthg that think ‘is it me doing that and this, thinking like that and this during my kampung years’. Totally different.

  • Yup it might be a surprise if u know me now and then. My kampung friends always tell me “you look different” (I mean I still not stylo but I did changed by the way of thinking, voice out my opinion and of cos the way I gestured hahaha). The way I’m talking isn’t change much, still talkactive but with desperate housewife sense of humor, spongebob nutty, and I’m not that blurr anymore.

  • Well… masa kat u too many thing I learn. Don’t crush on ur best friend. U might not know what they might think of u. don’t trust the person that cant share a glass of water with u. and even u can share an undies with them, there still chances of backstabbing. Yup, I’m too close to tell the ‘dark side of me’ that burden my life to so called a shoulder to cry person. This person did to many thing to help me. Then somthg happen between us and now I don’t even wanna hear the name. Errr.. actually I like to hear the name when me and my hangout friend make joke of the person. Hahahaha…the person deserve that after did too many kesundalan to the sorority.. hahahahaha… can I call that sorority? I think I can after watched Legally Blonde.

  • And don’t hate a person too much. Cecah-cecah jer.. u might not know the person would be ur hero or someone u can count on. Yup that was during my dramatic study years.. I call dramatic coz it did sound dramatic. How I skip classes, last minute study or not even study on the last minutes.., how I got CGPA under 1. why 1? I should say under 0.75. its thrill me. Yup but no regret. Still the same lasy, lousy, freak guy.ha ha ha ha. It even get more dramatic that deserve an oscar for best adaptation story when I’m about to sacked out from varsity, actually I did sacked but ‘technical error’ save my ass. Yup thanks to my other bez frend. He did sacked and saved me. Hey I do feel guilty but he really wanna out to go to another U that populate more his ex school buddies. No harm and it’s a classic now. We still contact and he alwiz been my buddies. It just that we didn’t hang out for about 2 years now.

  • Yup there is another buddies that make me choose the U but at the end I don’t even attend his graduation. As I say, u might not know who u gonna be and what ur friend gonna be. (in this case he never know what I’m gonna be hehehehehe). IF I could meet the person I would…. No I’m not going to seek an apology. It would turn me red. I did unappologised sin. I think. Heheheheh. May be I’ll just say hi and invite the person for a drink. May be it would clear everything in both our mind. Yup I’m Malfoy and the person is Harry in this story but I just hope that I’m Harry and the person is Ron during the Triwizard Tournament. Well… we do not fight over Hermioney (check the spelling plz). It just that .. hehehehehe… I’m not taking out the file from the closet. I’m hiding it for along time. I also don’t trust u readers. Since I don’t even share a drink with u. huhuhuhuhuhu..! keep guessing.. I like it. But we are just like Spongebob and Patrick since boarding school. Or I can say Rahul and Anjali (read it as the bonding between them, not love) before Tina crushes everything.

  • As a student I did experience all those seen in film. I did have a friend overdosed of paracetamol. Yup it’s becoz his gurlfren. Panicking the sorority (or should I call it Fraternity-yup sound better). One of us hit him for a ‘confession’ did he take the whole tablets? The warden also get nervous. Everybody was like “oh my god is this for real?” yup…. It’s not real. Fake unconcious but he deserve an oscar for that. He do look pale but no sign of buble in his mouth. He only take 2 for headache after confront his gurl and tell her he take the whole tablets and the gurl call us for a ‘lost-soul saving’. Yup we never know he would doing all those crap. It’s learn in varsity. there's 2 friend fight over a lover, psyco friend, one friend being curse err.. mandrem guna-guna by a lady. this is true until at the end actually we know only 70% the guna-guna, others is his true feeling to that woman. theres a girl died of accident, real girl fight. a confused love that turn them into a freak. one of them always treat to suicide. WTF!

  • And we did have a freak in our Fraternity. He likes to borrow ur thing and “opss.. I forget where I put it” or “ oh no.. I left ur shirt at kampung” or “ I put ur Ray Ban back in its place” or “can I wear ur lavish outfit to the dinner?”…. at the end of the day we found our belongging in a bag under his bed. All of it. Ready to be sent back home. What a freak. Yeah we did kick his ass out of our fraternity bonding. And there is no room for him anymore. It not just that, he did too many sin to the fraternity. Few days b4 raya he finally msg almost every one. But as I said, no room for him. I don’t know the others but I hurt more.

  • The only thing I don’t have enuff experience in varsity is, study in library (or under the hot sun in the field, on the stairs like Kuliah cinta- hape si razak mohideen tu hengat mesia ni sejuk macam uk ker?saner bole la satudy tgh panas maser summer. Bukan slalu jumpe panas) like what the Blond did. Yup I’m such a dumb. Luckily I manage to graduate 2nd class lower after struggling alone and help from my hostel buddies. I don’t join my class mate as I feel so dumb to join them. In fact I extend my study year to the fullest hehehehehe…. I’ve too many unbelievable good friends. I owed them too much. U wont find someone that can let u setinggan in his room, take me to where ever I’m going to before I got my own car during my final year (of cos I hv to check their route first), spend some money on me esp on movie, bowling, restaurant, even LRT tickets. Hey, one of them even helped me getting a place for industrial training after I’m just a dump-lasy-lousy-unmotivate boy. Hehehehe… TQ AK, AG, AZ, R, AA, M, SK, CY,P, A, CP - to named a few.

  • And my graduation being one of the sweetest memory for me since everyone is coming with flowers, gift, and smile. I don’t know what to say but they are a blessing to me. Even I gave them hard time but they alwiz there for me. Yup, that is what fraternity for. Not just hazed, spanking, or other humiliation like in the west, but helped each other, create a space for humanity and stand forever as a friend, a really good friend. TQ friends

  • I really miss all good things we did together. Going together to the beach, waterfall, zoo, movie, Istana budaya, Saturday night cruising, bowls, volley ball, reception party/kenduri, jalan-jalan cari makan and others. Since every one make a decision to settle down, having a family, its hard to get together again. may be it will remain as the greatest story ever told to my child n grand child. Hope so. This is the summary of my university life. I’ll go detail when I’m in a good mood and can recall all the memory since 1999 till now. Till the see ya.

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At 5:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...mandrem guna-guna by a lady. this is true until at the end actually we know only 70% the guna-guna, others is his true feeling to that woman." Luckyly u put it as 70% 'mendremed'. hahahahaha... Alhamdullillah God saved us...


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